According to a scientist from Columbia University, each person has on average 13 bigger or smaller dark secrets and that confessing these secrets, is a recipe for happiness and wellbeing.

Today I decided to confess one of mine: I LOVE LAWN MOWING AND WEED WHACKING. I have not been addicted to it for long but I have already managed to build a nice collection of mowers and weed trimmers to keep my "lawn" in shape.
Here is what I have learned about lawn mowing in the last 10 months:
1. Service your mower regularly! (or have someone doing this for you).
2. I found on the internet that it's good to cut the grass fortnightly in early spring but I have to do it daily regardless the season.
3. Gardeners' say that most lawn grass is best kept at 2.5cm-4cm tall but I personally love it as short as possible
4. It's good idea to mow the lawn when the grass and the soil beneath it is dry but my "garden" is usually quite moist every day.
6. Compost the clippings! You can do it if you're into it. I usually just dispose them.
Can you please help me to buy a ride-on mower by either meeting me in person or subscribing to my OnlyFans content.
Thank you.